Thursday, September 22, 2011

Laser cut continues to grow

Laser Cut Design Laboratory continues to work. 
And it is starting to grow. 
Our studio officially welcomes the two new members : 
Katerina Shekutkovska
PR manager and executive in manufacture
Jordan Tasevski
graduated architect and designer
(interior and applied laser cut design)

We are eagerly preparing for Skopje Design Week.
For orders the numbers and address 
stay the same. 

Wishing you a lovely day. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

The future is now : Laser Cut Design challenge

Laser Cut Design Laboratory is a studio for contemporary design, development, exploration and experiment in future concepts and techniques which contain within it the language of architecture, art and fashion.

Laser Cut Design Laboratory needs to grow.

The future is now project praises the kaleidoscope of contrasting images and conditions that one has in their own design approach. This project overcomes the contrast design entities of two designers bringing them close to a creative flow similar to the act of making love.The future is now is a laser cut challenge between two designers Jordan Tasevski and Aleksandra Shekutkovska.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

LET'S DANCE! David Bowie Night...

17 September at 20:00 - 18 September at 06:00

na platoto na MKC

Замислете си кино на отворено во Скопје и како ве разденува гледајќи го Labyrinth. Замислете си журка во Скопје на која сите, ама баш сите играат и која трае цела ноќ, ама баш цела ноќ... и цело време, свири David Bowie. Замислете си бои, сјај, мода, глам шминка и огромна диско топка. Си замисливте? Да? Епа тоа ќе ви се случи оваа Бела ноќ во МКЦ.

20.00 Space Androgyny Fashion Exhibition* LUDUS, Chic Undercover, Ellen Zelen, Горан Сиџимовски, Јасна Димитровска, Александра Шекутковска...
21.00 - 22.00 Проекција 1: Cracked Actor (53 мин)

22.00 - 00.20 Проекција 2: The Man Who Fell To Earth (139 мин)

00.30 - 02.00 Концерт: The Spiders from Mars LIVE 
* Дино Милосављевиќ, Џоле Маскимовски, Влатко Георгиев и Ади Имери звучат совршено исто колку што ви се чинат нивните имиња вака наредени едно по друго. А целокупното доживување станува вистински надреално кога зад микрофонот ќе застанат Сашко Костов, Кили, Љупа од The John, Никола Ристановски, Мра, Окац од Bei The Fish, Abe Ana Choveche , Ola Dioss, Foolish Green, Соња Исмаил... на вас останува само да се изнаиграте!

02.00 - 03.45 Проекција 3: Labyrinth (101 мин)

04.00 - 05.40 Проекција 4: The Hunger (97 мин)

...плус Bowie inspired маички, торби и уште еден куп аксесоари, Aladdin Sane Make Up сесии, цвикери со очите на Bowie, маски, сликите на КННТ...
Tiiiit! Inc и МКЦ

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Scribbled thoughts on the last day at the sea

to be free is to dream,
to be able to run and fly in your everyday situations,
to be able to see the Master's creation
in every pebble 
every sun gaze and rainbow
to be free is to dream,
to see,
to hear,
to feel your body expanding it's limits,
to dream, that is to be free indeed...

scribbled thoughts on the last day at the sea

A dash of Minimal chic: On outfits, exhibitions & invitations - Featuring The Paperless Post

featuring Oscar de la Renta cards design for Paperless post Oh, the sme...